Working remotely while camping can be challenging, but if done correctly can be a breeze. Camping is something to definitely consider if you wish to be outside in nature more and get away from that air conditioning box.
There are so many benefits to working remotely while camping. The avid hiker may give daggers seeing someone open up a laptop in the middle of the field. However, what they don’t realise is that you are working.
Obviously, things are not quite the same when you are camping compared to working at home. But if you can adapt to the environment, your mind will soon be put at peace.
Whether you want to try working remotely while camping full-time, or just want to be prepared in case you need to work while on holiday, here are some tips to help you get on your way:
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Make sure the campsite or field has an internet connection
There is a high chance that you will need an Internet connection. Many campsites offer Wi-Fi, so it’s a great idea to ask the campsite the magical question “Do you have Wi-Fi or phone/internet reception” before you arrive.
Smartphones can be great for connecting to the internet via a personal hotspot but sometimes in a field full of people, bandwidth can be limited.
If regularly faced with urgent tasks that needs to be fulfilled ASAP, you might want to camp near a town or village with a local Café. If using the internet in a café, just remember to be respectable and buy a latte or two.
Bring power supply and Battery Chargers when camping
I’m always forgetting something when travelling, if it’s not a toothbrush, it’s a battery charger.
When you are working remotely while camping, you need to be certain that your devices stay charged. This is vital for a good experience. Power inverters are great to have around, as they allow you to charge your gadgets from your car.
You may also want to consider extra batteries, an external battery pack and solar chargers. Solar chargers are fantastic for the environment!
Get the right camping equipment when working remotely
Working remotely from your sleeping bag inside the tent or blanket on the grass, may not be a sustainable way to work for long periods of time.
Investing in a good quality camping chair will save your back from injury. Also sitting under an umbrella or tree will save you from sunburn and screen glare which can make working remotely while camping nearly impossible.
Resting your computer on a table at eye level will affect how your eyes and muscles work and will also reduce the risk of long term injury and even musculoskeletal disorders.
Most camping equipment that you will need for remote working will have a dual purpose, so when you are not working you will be able to prepare food, play card games and socialise. Here’s my general packing list that I use everywhere I go in the world, from the Maldieves all the way to Thailand.
Bring some earplugs with you camping
One benefit of camping is that you can listen to mother nature, but if some noisy campers appear, you may want to put on those headphones and switch on the tunes.
Earplugs come in very handy If you want to be mindful of others around you, some earplugs such as Beats by Dr. Dre, also allow you to receive and make calls without that noisy background.
If you are easily distracted, earplugs or headphones will help you focus and may even be used to help you sleep if all you can hear are partygoers, animals howling and the wind blowing.
Choose a remote working campsite
Choosing a good campsite for your remote working camping trip can make the difference between a productive and a not-so-productive adventure. Some campsites have Wi-Fi, shaded picnic tables, power outlets, and everything you might need to do your job properly which means you may not have to make unnecessary purchases.
Also, campsites with fewer people and distractions around you, are usually better to work from. Some campsites allow dogs, some only allow adults and some are very family-friendly.
So, is working while camping hard?
If your purpose is simply to spend more time outdoors to relax and enjoy your holiday while occasionally working, you shouldn’t encounter many issues compared to being a full-time remote working camper, as let’s face it, too much of a good thing can start to become tedious.
Working remotely from the campsite, the following issues may arise;
- Sunlight; Screenglare can make working remotely while camping impossible
- Bugs; Bugs are everywhere, especially when the sun goes down and the only light is coming from your computer.
- Expensive Equipment; You may be a target for criminals.
- Wi-Fi; Have a backup internet in case the Wi-Fi goes down
- Noise: Consider animals, children, music and the weather
Working remotely while camping can be challenging if you are not prepared. However, if you are prepared, have fully charged equipment, backups of everything, and a work area set up, things should go smoothly and you will be able to enjoy the great outdoors and feel super fresh and productive for when work calls.

Being productive when working at the campsite
Being productive is important whether you’re working from home or working from the campsite. To work remotely, I believe that the following equipment helps to be productive.
- Tent; big enough to store things in and work from on a table with a chair.
- Portable table; Big enough for a laptop, possible monitor, keyboard, mouse, notebook and pen
- Chair: foldable with back support
- Power; Battery packs, power inverters, chargers
- Internet: Wi-Fi, phones hotspot
This setup above will allow you to feel more at home or in the office while still feeling comfortable when working remotely while camping.
One big thing to consider while camping is that you are less protected from the elements than you would be from an office. So consider the rain and wind, and maybe invest in some windbreakers, and extra covers for electronic equipment. Also, don’t forget that sun cream!
So, is working remotely while camping a good idea?
Everybody is different, and while I believe that camping is a good idea, others may not.
The biggest challenge that somebody may face when working remotely while camping is that the internet will be slow at times, especially if the campsite is filled with people on smartphones.
Working while camping is best for those part-timers or those working on projects with big deadlines. Camping can be unpredictable. As a backup plan, map out where to go if you need to sit down and access the internet to fix urgent matters.
Enjoy your camping and working remotely experience while embracing nature. working remotely while camping is very transferable to working outside and remotely in parks etc. If your experience turns out bad at least you will have some stories to tell the grandkids.